Shift subscription

The  Shift subscription agenda is used e.g. by the department managers to publish shifts for the specific days to which users can then sign up. The agenda is suitable, for example, in case the company has a larger number of interns who, after publishing shifts, sign up for individual days according to their options. 

Suppose you want to determine the Shift plan given to individual users in advance and the users themselves do not modify it afterwards. In that case, the Shift Plan agenda is better than the Shift Subscription agenda. 

Plan of everybody

The Shift subscription agenda has two display modes that can be switched between. The mode  Plan of everybody is intended for a manager who lists shifts for individual days and departments.

This mode is available only if the current user has granted View Shift Subscription and Edit Shift Subscription permission.

  • View Shift Subscription will allow the user to view this agenda and the written registrations for shifts in it.
  •  Edit Shift Subscription will allow the user to list new shift registrations or modify already written registrations.

The filters at the top of the screen can display a specific day, week, or month. You can also filter shift registrations according to the selected center.

You can easily add multiple shifts using the mass insertion button.

You can easily remove multiple shifts using the mass removal button.

Click on a specific day to list a new shift. By choosing the specific department, you can plan a shift specifically into this department in the Shift Plan. Users with this shift already planned in the Shift Plan will be automatically added to the shift in the Shift Subscription.

My plan

The  My plan mode serves ordinary users to sign up to individual announced shifts. They can also sign up to them from the My Attendance mobile application from the Shift plan agenda. It is necessary to have the Sign up for shifts from Shift Subscription permission to sign up. This permission can be further restricted for subscriptions to specific departments etc.

If the users have permissions of a regular employee (permission group called Employees with own attendance), they cannot switch between the My plan and Plan of everybody nor add or delete shifts.