Shift Plan

You can prepare a shift plan for individual days of the month for individual users.

Shifts are assigned to individual users on specific days. If the current users have permission to change the shift plan, they can change the values in the fields and then save the changes. Write its shortcut in the appropriate field to assign a shift to a user on a given day. Shortcuts can be found listed in the lower right table in the Legend tab. Displaying of a specific month and department can be set in filters.

After clicking on the  Save changes button, the shift plan is fixed for the given period and, for example, the change of shift planners for individual persons will no longer affect the shift plan in this period.

Shift plan options

The  Print button (1) offers more print reports for an overview of the shift plan. Reports can be saved in different formats.

The  Lock icons (2) allow you to firmly lock the shift plan so that it cannot be adjusted manually. It would have to be unlocked again.

With the  Magic wand (3) you can fill in the attendance of users according to their planned shifts.

The  Mass insertion button (4) allows inserting an activity at will to multiple users simultaneously.

This way you can also mass insert shifts, thanks to which we can insert into a shift plan a specific shift, specific shift planner or own shift planner, which adds shifts in selected days into a specific department

With the  Trash bin icon (5) you can delete a shift plan for the given users.

The gear icon (6) can be used to adjust several display options at once, as shown in the figure below.

The coverage tab (7) shows the shift coverage on the current days and hours. According to the settings (by means of the gear icon), it is possible to select the display of shift coverage by hourly blocks or two-hour blocks.

Shift planning strategy

A person’s shift plan is predetermined

In order not to have to manually create a shift plan for employees who tend to have the plan unchanged, we have prepared so-called Shift planners. These then automatically pre-fill a Shift Plan for individual users.

TIP: It is used when an employee has, for example, a morning shift all week.

A person’s shift plan changes, operational planning

You may need to set shift lengths operationally when planning shifts. For example,  starting and ending times of shifts that you need to plan for individual users often change. Predefining shifts will not be sufficient (large number of different combinations of beginnings + ends of shifts).

In that case, you can enter the duration of the shift in the fields in the format timeFrom-timeTo in the Shift Plan, e.g. “ 8-12:30” (without spaces). If the system does not find a predefined shift with this shortcut, it will create a one-time shift only for this user. Be sure to save your changes when you are done with editing.

Shift plan limits

The following rules are automatically set in the system according to the legislation:

Continuous rest - the user must have at least 35 hours off between shifts within 7 consecutive days.

Rest between shifts - the user must have at least 12 hours off within each 24-hour period.

If these rules are not followed, a warning will appear in the Shift Plan in the bottom right of the Validation section. For more information on shift plan limits, click here.