Wifi and BLE attendance

GIRITON enables automatic entry of user’s attendance based on the fact their mobile phone has connected to pre-selected WiFi networks. Ideally, it is not necessary to manage attendance manually in any way. It is enough to carry a phone with the My Attendance application installed. To put WiFi attendance into operation, please proceed as follows:

Addition of WiFi network to GIRITON

First of all, it is necessary to determine which WiFi networks GIRITON, i.e. user’s mobile phones, will respond to.

Open the Menu - Settings in the My Attendance application on your mobile phone. Enable WiFi and BLE scanning and select Available WiFi in the WiFi and BLE Attendance section. A dialog with nearby WiFi networks will appear. Click the + button next to the network you want to register with the system.

Assigning Attendance activity to a WiFi network

Open the User Menu (your name at the top left) - Attendance - WiFi and BLE attendance in the web application. You will see the WiFi networks that you have registered in the system using My Attendance. 

Select the newly added WiFi network and set the network Detection inserts start and network Loss inserts end fields. From the drop-down list select the Attendance activity to be inserted when one’s phone discovers the WiFi network or when the network is lost. You will want to set the Work activity (for a company WiFi network) or Homeoffice (for your home WiFi) usually in both options.

You can select only the department or tag to which this setting will apply, on the 2 card Valid only for.

Activation of WiFi attendance on mobile phones

It is necessary to turn on the WiFi and BLE monitoring option in the My Attendance app in the settings in the WiFi and BLE Attendance section on all mobile phones which are now to respond to the availability of selected WiFi networks by entering Arrival and Departure.

The function is active

From now on, the My Attendance application will check the list of available WiFi networks even if it is not running in the foreground on phones. The check is performed automatically approximately every 15 minutes (this is determined by the operating system on the phones and the scanning time cannot be shortened).

When one of the pre-stored networks is found or lost out of range, the phone sends this information to the server and clock-in/clock-out of the corresponding activity is inserted. If no internet is available on the mobile phone at this time, a message about the found/lost WiFi network will be sent at the earliest next opportunity.

Note: WiFi attendance works on Android mobile phones version 6 and newer so far. We are still working to support Apple phones.