Sending SMS

Giriton offers a module for sending SMS messages to users' cell phones. Sending SMS can be used, for example, for two-factor login.


Log in as a user with admin permissions to the web application to activate the Sending SMS module. Activate the Sending SMS module in User Menu -> Your company and confirm. The Sending SMS module is being activated from now on.


The Sending SMS feature is charged at 18$ or 17€ per month plus 0.089$ or 0,081€ for each sent SMS. So if, for example, 50 SMS messages are sent during the month, you will be charged for messages in that month:

50 x 0.089 + 18 = 22,45 $ or

50 x 0,081 + 17 = 21,05 €

The Sending SMS module will be a separate item in the invoice for such month.