Processing the Whistleblowing Report

You are in the role of the recipient and you received a new Report, or some Whistleblower added something to a Report, which he sent earlier. In the GIRITON web application, open the Whistleblowing Report agenda, in which you can see all submitted reports.

Whistleblowing notification agenda from the Investigator's point of view

Using the column Time of last update you can easily find those Reports, which have something new in them since your last visit. Select Report, on which you want to react.

In the top part, you can see the phrasing of this report, eventually, you can communicate with the whistleblower using the chat. If the whistleblower filled in an email for notifications, the whistleblower will receive an email notification about your reaction. If the whistleblower submitted to the report a file as an attachment, you can download it from here.

After processing the specific report, change the report status to Closed. You can see closed reports by changing the Status filter in the upper part of the screen to Closed.