Integration with

Giriton Attendance can be easily integrated with system for managing business trips. The integration works in a way that Giriton Attendance transfers a business trip from to Giriton (so when you start a new business trip in, a new business trip is created in Giriton for the same person).

To start the integration proceed as follows:

1.  Create a company account in Giriton Attendance

Have some users created in Human Resources. Pay attention to setting the correct “User number” for each user which will need to be set up for users in as well.

2. Create a company account in

You can do this at Create individual users in Fidoo and set them the same User number as they have in Giriton.

3. Turn on synchronization between Giriton and

Create an API key in the web application for communication between the two systems in Fidoo. Procedure is here: . Copy this key. 

In Giriton, go to User Menu - Configuration - Planned tasks. click Add and select the planned task Synchronization with Fill in the API key from the previous step in the API key field.

Pay Attention to the Pair Records using field which tells you which key and Giriton users are pairing with. Usually, leave the default value User Number here.

You can select in what status the business trip must be in by checkboxes “Only import” to be transferred to Giriton. For example, you will probably not want to transfer business trips in the Open state from but you will probably want to transfer business trips in the Billed state (since this data is already sufficiently final).

By default, business trips are always transferred for the period “beginning of last month” to “end of current month”. Thus, when the synchronization starts on August 5, 2021, Giriton will transfer business trips entered on days between July 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 from This can be adjusted in the planned task settings if necessary.

Do not forget to save the changes after completing the planned task synchronization setup. From now on, the business trips are being automatically transferred every 5 minutes as business trips from Giriton to Fidoo. You will have up-to-date Human Resources in both systems.

ATTENTION: The business trips are transferred to Giriton in the “Message” state, not in the “Request” state from In order for business trip to appear in Giriton, either create it directly as a Report or create is as a Request, then execute “Create Report” for the Request.