Arrivals and departures check

Does it happen in your company that employees arrive late on their scheduled shift? Giriton can certainly control this for you. If you wish to set up arrivals and departures check for a specific scheduled shift, please proceed as follows:

  1. In the User Menu (Your name at the top left) go to Attendance -> Attendance Activities -> green Add button.
  2. Here you select Arrivals and Departures Control from the list of activities. You can set the alert symbol, alert color, shift start of shift and end of shift leave it as it is.
  3. Select Seriousness - if you select Error, it will not be possible to close attendance for the month in which the error (the symbol you selected) is displayed until the error is corrected. In the case of Information and Warning, the attendance can be locked despite their display and there is no need to correct the arrival/departure time in any way.
  4. In the Monitored Shifts field, add the desired shifts that the activity will track. Pick if you want to check arrival/departure/both.

From now on, if someone arrives later than the set time in this activity, the set indication will be displayed in the Attendance agenda.

TIP: The Attendance errors widget in the Home agenda can be set up to display this activity - just click on the gear wheel, click on Displayed error types and select this newly created activity.