List of online people

GIRITON Attendance allows publishing various data via REST api, see documentation Via REST api you can publish, for example, a list of currently present employees together with their ongoing activity, arrival time, current shift, etc. 

For companies that simply want to view a list of present employees, we have prepared a web mini application at You will be asked for the API Token when you open this web app. You will generate this token in the Paired devices agenda. You insert API Token into the website and after confirmation, you will immediately see a list of currently present employees together with other information about their current attendance. The list is automatically refreshed so that it always displays the current data. You can adjust the displaying data settings at the top right of the screen.

Attention: the API Token remains stored in the given web browser and it is possible to remove it out from the browser. The API Token services as a password to verify access to the REST api and should be treated as a password. You can additionally restrict permissions of this token when adding it. It is appropriate to keep only the View Attendance permission for the API Token.