Attendance agenda

Buttons and filters

This agenda displays a graphical overview of attendance for a selected user in a specified period. If you have a permission  View all attendance or Edit all attendance, you can view, edit and print attendance data. You can filter each department or switch viewed months by using the filters on the top. Also, you can switch from Person overview to Daily or Monthly overview. (1)

Filters for displaying a selected group of employees can also be used for the daily and monthly overview.

Daily overview

  • active persons only - only users with entered activity for the given day
  • planned persons only - only users with a scheduled shift
  • persons with errors only - only users who have errors in attendance
  • persons that arrived between - limit the user in the time range according to arrival to work
  • persons with in progress activity - only users with a specific ongoing activity
  • persons with open / closed attendance - only users with open or closed attendance will be displayed
  • activity value comparison - displays users according to the amount of activity value

Monthly overview

  • active persons only - only users with entered activity for the given month
  • persons with errors only - only users who have errors in attendance
  • persons with open / closed attendance - only users with open or closed attendance will be displayed
  • activity value comparison - displays users according to the amount of activity value

The car icon (2) will open the Business trips agenda.

Button Print (3) allows you to choose from plenty of print templates and export them to many formats.

Icons with a lock (4) serve to lock or unlock the attendance. We recommend to lock the attendance after the end of a month  so users can't edit the entries anymore.

Button with two arrows (5) can update a whole page without neccessity to log out and log in again.

The eye icon (6) shows you the photos of employees if the device is set to take them.

Use the Settings icon (7) to change the search in the user name field. You can thus expand the options for searching by other items such as employee number, center or job position.

The question mark icon (8) refers to online help of current agenda.

Person overview

This tab offers an overview of one person and his whole month including shifts and particular entries of each day.

Tab  Sums (1) shows the total attendance figures for the entire shown period.

After selecting a particular day at the table, you can view the details of the day in tab  Entries (2), and if you have a permission, you can also edit those entries. You can also show additional information of a particular day by hovering mouse over a row with that day.

In case there is a  problem in attendance in one of the days (e.g. the user has forgotten to clock out), exclamation mark appears on that particular line (3).

If you edit some of the values manually, green highlight is shown around that field (4).

Attendance requests of selected user (doctor request, vacation request, ...) are shown as hatched in the row (5). In the tab Entries (2) you can click on the wheel icon to display window with the details of the selected request.

Entering attendance

Entries in attendance appear automatically when the user uses the mobile application, attendance clock or widget on the home screen of the web app to enter them. However, you can also enter attendance manually (if you have permission to do so).

1. Click on a specific day, the entries table will be displayed in the right detail.

2. Select the activity you want to add and the time which it should be counted from, In the row with the green + button. 

3. By clicking on the green + button you add another row that will end this activity at another time. Each activity must have its beginning and end (play and stop icon)

4. Save the changes.

Activity Work and Work (Total)

Activity Work indicates the completed activity only for the attendance activity named Work. So if the Work activity is inserted, the values will be assigned only for it. If a Home Office activity is entered, the time worked will be credited for the Home Office activity.

Work (Total) is the sum of all work activities for a given period/day. Therefore, if the activity is set as work, the time worked will be added to the amount Work (total).


  • Work: 6 hours
  • Home office: 2 hours
  • Work (total): 8 hours

Mass insertion

1. Click on the green  + add button to open another menu, including mass insertion, in the Attendance agenda in the web application. Select that. 

2. A calendar table will open in which you can drag the mouse to mark the desired days when the activity should last.

3. Then another window for further specification will appear. Click on the box to select a person and select only the people for whom you want to record activity.

4. Then select an activity, a date or time when it should last. There are more options, described in the picture. You save everything with the OK button and then in the calendar with the Save button.

This way you can also mass insert shifts, thanks to which we can insert into a shift plan a specific shift, specific shift planner or own shift planner, which adds shifts in selected days into a specific department

TIP: If you have checked Only on days with planned shift checkbox, then the activity will be inserted only on those days where the shift is actually scheduled. Make sure that shifts are inserted everywhere in case when you cannot insert activity for the first time. Either insert them or uncheck the check mark. 

Mass removal

1. In the web application in the Attendance agenda, click the red trash can button and the option for Mass removal of attendance records will appear.

2. In the option, select the users and days for which you want to delete activity records in attendance.

3. Then you select the activity you want to remove from attendance. Confirm the deletion of records by pressing the Yes button.

Closing attendance

As soon as a new month arrives and employees have properly registered activities, you can close attendance for the previous month. By locking attendance, values working with calculations across months from the locked month are transferred to the next month. Locked attendance thus transfers values for activities (compensatory leave, vacation fund) to the next month.

However, several rules must be followed to close attendance. If attendance for previous months is not closed or is not closed in the correct order, appropriate notifications will appear.

Unclosed attendance

If you have unclosed attendance for previous months, a notification will appear in the right panel. After clicking on the notification, it is easy to find out which months are not closed and therefore it is necessary to close attendance for those months.

Incorrect order of closing attendance

It may happen that you have closed attendance for previous months, but you will still see a notification. If you have a notice in your attendance about the wrong order in closing attendance, it means that you did not close your attendance chronologically, i.e. month by month. In such a case, it is necessary to open and then close attendance for the given months chronologically. This can be done in bulk via the lock button and selecting the given months.

EXAMPLE: I have closed attendance from January to September. I forgot to close my attendance in October. Then I closed November and December. Attendance showed me that I don't have October closed. So I closed it. Since November and December were closed earlier than October, I get a message about the wrong closing order. It is therefore necessary to open attendance from December to October and then close chronologically.