How to work in agendas

A lot of available agendas are of the "list" type, such as the Human Resources agenda. A list of available records is in the table at the bottom (1) and a list of selected records contains the panel at the top (2). The panel at the top often has more tabs (3) for a better division of individual parameters of the selected record.

You can directly edit the specific parameters of this record in the individual tabs if you select one of the records in the table at the bottom. Click the Save Changes button to save it.

A list of available actions is usually above the panel at the top (4) that relate to the selected agenda. Buttons for adding, deleting or printing selected records can be found here.

Users disappear from the list if their employment is terminated. You can view even all persons whose employment has already ended by clicking on the checkbox Show only currently employed (5).

TIP: You can choose more users for mass editing.